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Smart Training Solutions has wide and varied sector expertise, originally formed to support existing learning providers deliver qualifications and Apprenticeship Programmes. We now offer:
Assessor support for qualification and apprenticeship delivery
IQA support for qualification and apprenticeship delivery
External Quality Assurance services to Awarding Organisations
Independent End Point Assessment services to End Point Assessment Organisations

Assessor Support
We provide assessment services to high level programmes (level 3-6). Our assessment approach utilises the latest technology, latest thinking and highly qualified and experienced individuals from the respective sector. We enjoy the challenge of engaging learners and will ensure your company is represented in the most professional way.
IQA Support
We believe internal quality assurance is the key component of successful delivery. Whilst many view it as an overhead, we view it as the cornerstone of both high-quality delivery, but also cost effectiveness. We can demonstrate how to get a return on your investment in quality assurance whilst guaranteeing success. In 10 years of providing IQA support we have achieved Direct Claims Status for every programme and for every customer.
External Quality Assurance
We have offered external quality assurance services to awarding organisations for over a decade. We pride ourselves on our approach and feedback from all awarding organisations is overwhelmingly positive. One organisation gave use their highest grading (Grade A) whilst another congratulates us on our levels of service delivery year after year. Your reputation is safe in our hands.
Independent End-Point Assessment Services
We have recently written and provided a book on the requirements of end-point assessment. Everybody who completes a course with us is provided it free. We talent spot from our course attendees to find the best of the best and use their services to meet EPAO requirements. We also have qualified teachers, chartered managers, external quality assurers and seasoned sector experts to provide the very best of service delivery. End Point Assessment is a game changer in the apprenticeship arena – we believe we are the best team on the pitch.
Training Management
We also recognise the implementation of the apprenticeship standards requires wider skills than those delivered in the Internal Quality Assurance (IQA) qualifications. In addition to IQA skills, staff require training management skills, the ability to design effective curriculum, leadership skills and great communication skills to engage employers. In response we have designed a Level 3 Certificate in Operational Management delivered by a chartered manager and qualified external quality assurance (EQA) practitioner. The course is designed to provide professionals with a detailed understanding of apprenticeship curriculum and assessment plan requirements whilst delivering the latest thinking on management of programmes in the workplace – see our courses page for more information.

We are able to support the following Qualifications and Apprenticeship Programmes
Business Administration
Customer Service
Teach Assess Quality Assure (TAQA) suite of qualifications (Assessor, IQA, EQA)
Teaching qualifications (AET, CET, DET)
Apprenticeship Programmes:
Senior Leader Level 7
Coaching Professional Level 5
Learning and Development Practitioner & Consultant (Level 3&5)
Operations/Departmental Manager Level 5
Learning and Skills Teacher Level 5
Learning and Skills Mentor Level 4
Corporate Responsibility and Sustainability Practitioner Level 4
Learning and Skills Assessor Level 3
Team Leader/Supervisor Level 3
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