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Apprenticeship Skills Coach - Masterclass
(Professional Development)
Apprenticeship Skills Coaches are required to deliver the very best learning experience possible to their apprentices. End-Point Assessment is ‘high risk’ which requires skills coaches to be equipped with the latest thinking in how to use technology to engage their audience, and coaching skills to maximise their potential.
This masterclass is delivered by an Institute of Leadership and Management accredited coach, qualified teacher, assessor, IQA, EQA and EPA who has coached, delivered and quality assured 1000+ programmes of learning.
The masterclass is designed to provide you with the skills to deliver effective training online, and to deploy effective coaching techniques in support of your apprentice’s programme of learning. Our skills coaches achieve distinction grades with their apprentices, delivering the right information, in the right way - we'll show you how.
Day One
Coaching Essentials
  • Engage, motivate and encourage the apprentice’s you coach and achieve results
  • Develop individual learning plans that remove obstacles to coaching and help create SMART action plans
  • Communicate effectively and develop positive relationships
  • Develop questioning and listening techniques to get the best out of others
  • Create an effective approach to coaching that prepares the apprentice for end-point assessment
  • Focus on core knowledge, skills, behaviours and actionable results
Day Two
The Virtual Coach:
  • Identify what good looks like when it comes to engaging virtual learning or coaching
  • Explore the different learning styles your groups may have, and look at ways we can adapt our learning to meet these virtually
  • Plan how you can have successful coaching interventions using different technologies, considering the environment you are in, and what type of virtual initiative is the most suitable for your audience
  • Explore how you should ‘show up’ and what you need to consider in terms of style when training or coaching virtually
  • Create engaging virtual learning and coaching interventions, using different digital tools
  • Understand the different roles needed when delivering a virtual intervention, and how these roles work together
  • Practice your own learning content to build upon the skills you have learnt from this workshop
  • Reflect on the learning and consider how to apply it.
Target Audience: Apprenticeship Skills Coach
Group Size and Duration: Up to 6 personnel, 2 day programme
Cost: £120.00 per person + VAT
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